Sunday, June 30, 2013

Back from Hibernation!

Hello!! Yes I am back after almost a month. I need to seriously do something about being better at updating this blog. Well the good news is I am still eating healthy and trying to get some exercise. We have not walked for almost 10days now due to me being unwell for few days and post that hubby having to work late. We have decided to restart tomorrow onwards for sure. Hubby is good at waking up early and if I have someone to wake me up I am up in the morning and ready for my 1hr walk. Did I mention we walk 5miles everyday. ;)
Now the weight has kind of stagnated. I seem to be down another lb but it is super slow.  Well I had anticipated that and have plans of working out twice a day, walk in the am and maybe gym in the afternoon or early evening around 4 or 5pm.
I have been exploring breakfast options from boiled eggs, wheat cereal, multi-grain toast with whipped cream cheese, Belvita blueberry breakfast biscuits (yes they are super yummy) etc. I also made poha, an Indian breakfast made with beaten rice and made dosa this morning (Indian crepes/pan cakes, made rice and split black lentils).
I have been eating salad for lunch or soup while hubby prefers a multi-grain bread sandwich with boiled chicken, avocado etc. and for dinner we have been having a piece of grilled fish or chicken and a salad or roasted veggies. This week onwards I am going to start making some Indian dishes like vegetable stir fry, sprouts etc. and serve with whole wheat roti (Indian tortilla). We have completely cut down on rice and that is a big change for us, esp. for the mister.
Yes! I am going ahead and saying it finally the key is a combination of diet and exercise. Nothing else works. I have tried Rasberry Keytones, Green coffee beans,slimming teas, advocare and the list goes on. Finally it has dawned upon me - there is no shortcut to weight loss or being healthy.
I have finally turned wise, guess its the age!